Water Mist Pipe Repair Kit

Navy SBIR 25.1- Topic N251-045
Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)
Pre-release 12/4/24   Opens to accept proposals 1/8/25   Closes 2/5/25 12:00pm ET

N251-045 TITLE: Water Mist Pipe Repair Kit


OBJECTIVE: Develop a methodology for a high integrity repair of the DDG 1000 High Pressure Water Mist Fire Fighting System while deployed underway.

DESCRIPTION: Current piping system repairs are done through building pipe sections onboard, welding, or soft patches with sealant materials. Temporary piping repairs must be reliable, effective, and quickly implemented allowing for continued operations. While one can expect there is enough good pipe wall for the mastic and patch to adhere, the challenge is knowing the integrity of the pipe wall surrounding the leak in order to have confidence in the quality of a pipe repair method in a high energy system. Even a successful hydro of such a patch doesn’t guarantee that the patch won’t give way when next exposed to operating pressure.

Recently, a ship could not get underway due to water mist pipe header and branch line leaks that reduced system pressure in machinery spaces. The machinery spaces were shut down and created redline impacts for getting underway due to the level of defined risk. Ships Force and support activities have utilized epoxy and soft patches, with long cure times, and limited success. Regional maintenance centers evaluated the repairs and provided guidance for acceptable operations. However, further repairs were required which led to a one-month delay in test and trials. Current piping system repairs are done through building pipe sections onboard, welding, or soft patches with sealant materials. A new repair methodology must be quickly implemented to allow for continued operations and testing. The repair method should be suitable for emergent underway repair for a variety of fluid types and system pressures with primary concern being the DDG 1000 High Pressure Water mist firefighting system.

PHASE I: Develop a concept for an improved method for underway repair of the DDG 1000 High Pressure Water Mist Firefighting System. Demonstrate the feasibility of the concept in meeting Navy needs and establish that the concept can be developed into a useful product for the Navy. Feasibility will be established via computer modeling or other means deemed appropriate. The Phase I Option, if exercised, will include the initial design specifications and capabilities description to build a prototype solution in Phase II.

PHASE II: Develop a prototype to be tested to demonstrate its core functionality. Test the prototype at a Land Based Test Facility to ensure its suitability to shipboard use. The results of these tests will be used to refine the prototypes into a design that will meet Navy requirements. Prepare a Phase III manufacturing and development plan to transition the CKMS to Navy use.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Support the Navy in transitioning the repair system to Navy use. As High-Pressure Water Mist systems become more prevalent across the fleet and industry, quick high integrity repair methods will be needed. Transition the product through sole source justification and utilizing Logistics outfitting and provisioning of approved products, technical manuals, and maintenance documentation through the program offices and fleet type commanders. Major industrial systems incorporating engines, generators, and turbines will benefit from capabilities developed under this SBIR topic.


  1. "Water Mist Fights Shipboard Fires"  Commander John P. Farley, U.S. Navy (Retired), and Dr. Frederick W. Williams, June 2008 Proceedings Vol. 134/6/1,264 usni.org/magazines/proceedings/2008/june/professional-notes   
  2. MIL-STD-777F(SH) Schedule of Piping, Valves, Fittings, and Associated Piping Components for NAVAL Surface Ships. https://navysbir.com/n25_1/N251-045-Reference-2-MIL_STD-777F_Change-2.pdf

KEYWORDS: Pipe Repair; Water Mist; High Pressure; Temporary Repair; Damage Control; Fire Fighting


The Navy Topic above is an "unofficial" copy from the Navy Topics in the DoD 25.1 SBIR BAA. Please see the official DoD Topic website at www.dodsbirsttr.mil/submissions/solicitation-documents/active-solicitations for any updates.

The DoD issued its Navy 25.1 SBIR Topics pre-release on December 4, 2024 which opens to receive proposals on January 8, 2025, and closes February 5, 2025 (12:00pm ET).

Direct Contact with Topic Authors: During the pre-release period (December 4, 2024, through January 7, 2025) proposing firms have an opportunity to directly contact the Technical Point of Contact (TPOC) to ask technical questions about the specific BAA topic. Once DoD begins accepting proposals on January 8, 2025 no further direct contact between proposers and topic authors is allowed unless the Topic Author is responding to a question submitted during the Pre-release period.

DoD On-line Q&A System: After the pre-release period, until January 22, at 12:00 PM ET, proposers may submit written questions through the DoD On-line Topic Q&A at https://www.dodsbirsttr.mil/submissions/login/ by logging in and following instructions. In the Topic Q&A system, the questioner and respondent remain anonymous but all questions and answers are posted for general viewing.

DoD Topics Search Tool: Visit the DoD Topic Search Tool at www.dodsbirsttr.mil/topics-app/ to find topics by keyword across all DoD Components participating in this BAA.

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