Catapult leverages prior SBIR investment to accelerate technology development to meet Naval priorities with a 2nd Phase II award.
Eligible small business concerns and projects may be nominated by a Naval customer at any time and are approved based on priority of Naval need, availability of SBIR funding, and potential of additional non-SBIR funding.
Experience the benefits of partnering with the Marine Corps and the Navy. Get started today! Process at a Glance![]() Determine EligibilitySmall business concerns that meet small business size, affiliation rules, and ownership or investment disclosure and registration requirements for the SBIR and STTR programs, are eligible for consideration. Identify a PartnerNaval SBIR awardees are aligned to a customer at time of award and may be nominated to continue and/or complete R&D through Catapult. Current and prior Naval awardees should work directly with their customers to determine if Catapult is an appropriate next step to transition. Nominate a ProjectCatapult moves at the speed of the Naval customer. Project nominations are submitted by Naval customers and must comply with System Command (SYSCOM) SBIR Program Office nomination requirements. SYSCOM SBIR Program Office points of contact are listed at Nominations are reviewed on an ongoing basis and approved based on: